New Album: „PERRY RHODAN: The Radiant Dome“ / Mark Jenkins and special guests

MODULAR SESSIONS picks up again with issue 25
„PERRY RHODAN: The Radiant Dome“
-one of the strongest yet in the collaborative CD series with an all-German
cast inspired by the world’s best-selling science fiction book series.

Here you’ll experience the power of a „Galactic Alarm“ or a „Flight Through Time and Space“ interpreted by Germany’s finest synth musicians – Bernd-Michael Land, Rüdiger Gleisberg, Anna-Maria Van Reusel, Volker Rapp, midibitch, Michael Brückner, Tobias Becker, Picnicboy and Fritz Mayr featuring vocals by Jayney Klimek – who’s Australian, but living in Berlin, and well known for her work with TANGERINE DREAM.

You’ve never heard so many Berlin-style sequences, heavy analog leadlines and spacey effects mixed with vocoders and samples, Jean-Michel Jarre-style abstract noises and Klaus Schulze-inspired lead synth melodies.
The CD is available to order now from CD Services (UK and international), Groove (NL) and Cue (DE) and there will be an extracts video on YouTube soon.

You can alternatively save by ordering direct – 10GBP by PayPal (Friends & Family option only) to, add 2GBP mailing for any quantity in the UK, add 4GBP for any quantity elsewhere.
Sing along now – „Perry Rhodan, Perry Rhodan, Perry Rhodan Peacelord of the Universe“

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