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Interview mit Bernd-Michael Land

OF-TV News vom 09.08.2024

Bernd-Michael Land

Studio Snippets / Sounddesign @ SynxsS-Studio 2024

Shepard Generator

Bernd-Michael Land

Studio Snippets / Sounddesign @ SynxsS-Studio 2024

Tipps & Tricks for Gongs / Lesson 1 – 9

Interview mit Bernd-Michael Land

OF-TV News vom 03.11.2023

Bernd-Michael Land
Interview mit Bernd-Michael Land

OF-TV News vom 23.12.2022

Bernd-Michael Land
Interview: Bernd-Michael Land mit Rofilm-Media (Part 1)

Video vom 03.03.2022 auf Radarien

Bernd-Michael Land
The Man who waved at Planes

Video vom 17.09.2021 auf Radarien

Bernd-Michael Land
Interview: Bernd-Michael Land mit Clemens Camphausen

Video vom 17.09.2021 auf Radarien

Bernd-Michael Land
Timelapse: Aufbau beim RadarVision Festival

Video vom 17.09.2021 auf Radarien

Bernd-Michael Land
Dank an die Hessische Kulturstiftung

Video vom 07.01.2021

Bernd-Michael Land
Bernd-Michael Land wünscht Fröhliche Weihnachten

Video vom 15.12.2020

Bernd-Michael Land
Besuch bei einem Pionier der elektronischen Musik | maintower

Interview / Dokumentation (05.08.2020)
Dieser Beitrag war zwei Jahre zu sehen in der ARD Mediathek

gekürztes Video auf Facebook
(in der ARD Mediathek nicht mehr verfügbar)
Bernd-Michael Land & Claus Jahn
Hyperreale Reflexion -4th Movement

Promovideo zur DVD in 5 Teilen mit über 90 Minuten Spielzeit

Bernd-Michael Land & Claus Jahn
Luminale 2020

Trailer / Preview zu den Konzerten auf der Luminale im März 2020 in der Fabrik

Bernd-Michael Land
Farben -Der Film

Trailer / Preview zu dem 74-minütigen Film zum Album: Farben

Bernd-Michael Land
OF-TV präsentiert: Ein Rundgang über die Rodgau Art 2018

Interview / Dokumentation (2018) / Musik: Bernd-Michael Land / „Farben“
Dieser Beitrag ist zu sehen auf OF-TV

Bernd-Michael Land
Ein Film von Nils F. Hillebrand über Bernd-Michael Land

Interview / Dokumentation (2015)

Bernd-Michael Land
Birkenstory #11

Dokumentation (2018) / Die komplette Birkenstory ist hier nachzulesen

Bernd-Michael Land

Studio Snippets / Sounddesign @ SynxsS-Studio 2021

Conga & Contact Microphone

Bernd-Michael Land

Vintage Analog Modular Synthesizer from 1970 @ SynxsS-Studio 2020
SynxsS-Studio News #358

EMS VCS3 „The Putney“ -create a powerful Bassdrum

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Moog Prodigy | Overview and Sounds

Bernd-Michael Land

Analog Drone from Modular Synthesizers @ SynxsS-Studio News #332
recorded / Livemitschnitt am 04.11.2018

Analog Drones

Bernd-Michael Land

Preview für Transmitter 594kHz

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

My good friend Bernie and me have spent some fascinating days at Superbooth 2017 in Berlin. In this Vlog we talk about our experience at this amazing Synthesizer trade show.

Superbooth 17: Impressions, Conclusion, Vlog

Bernd-Michael Land

Preview / neue Projekte für 2017

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

We are starting the new year 2017 with a Giveaway (Freebie) of 15 free custom made Synthesizer Sample Sounds, which you can load into your DAW of choice or a hardware sampler

Free Synth Sample Sounds (Download Pack)

Bernd-Michael Land

Video @ SynxsS-Studio 2016 für das Synthieforum sequencer.de

Who The Fuck Is Bernie

Bernd-Michael Land

Sounds from the Monster Modularsystem „Walhalla“
recorded 16.Februar 2013 @ SynxsS-Studio in Offenbach / Main

Sound from Walhalla #4

Bernd-Michael Land

Vintage Analog Modular Synthesizer from 1970 @ SynxsS-Studio 2016
SynxsS-Studio News #271

EMS VCS3 „The Putney“ -Noise & Drone

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Elaborate Sequencer Composition on Modular Synthesizers.
How to patch a modular synthesizer with analog sequencers to create an elaborate composition of electronic music!

Tutorial for Berlin School Electronica

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

When to use Digital or Analog
Ralph Baumgartl is talking to Bernd-Michael Land of the band „Thau“ about his sequencer preferences. When is he going for a digital sequencer, and under which circumstances is he opting for an analog sequencer. Enjoy this comparison of the Arturia BeatStep Pro to the classic Roland Sequencer Model 104.

Arturia Beatstep Pro vs Roland Sequencer Model 104

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

In this live Synthesizer Jam we are blending Chill-out, Ambient and Berlin School of Electronic Music with beautiful female soul vocals.

Live Synth Jam with Female Soul Vocals

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

We are taking a very quick look at the Moog Micromoog, which was introduced to the market in 1975.

Moog Micromoog | Monophonic Analog Synthesizer

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

In this Quick Tip tutorial Ralph Baumgartl and Bernd-Michael Land are showing you the concept of a Polyrhythmic Sequence on a Modular Synthesizer

Polyrhythmic Sequence on Modular Synthesizer | Quick Tip Tutorial

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

This is the EMS Special Part 2. Ralph Baumgartl is visiting the Synthesizer studio of Bernd Michael Land who is showing his EMS Logik Synthesizer and EMS Synthi E

EMS Logik Synthesizer, EMS Synthi E & Strymon BigSky

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl and Bernd-Michael Land show the legendary EMS Synthi AKS and the fabulous EMS VCS3 „The Putney“. These analog synthesizers were widely used by electronic music pioneers.

EMS Synthi AKS and EMS VCS3 (The Putney)

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl
Patching Modular Synthesizer

Ralph Baumgartl is teaming up with Bernd-Michael Land to answer the questions and comments regarding their videos on Digital & Analog Sequencers, Patching Modular Synthesizers and Berlin School of Electronic Music.

Q&A Digital & Analog Sequencer

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl is asking Bernd-Michael Land to show his wide collection of Drone Synthesizers, Noise Boxes and DIY Circuit Bending Gear.

Drone Synthesizer, Noise Boxes & DIY Circuit Bending

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl and Bernd-Michael Land are discussing the Moog Opus 3 and Korg Delta

Moog Opus 3 vs Korg Delta

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl is asking Bernd-Michael Land to show all his classic and historic analog synthesizers. And there are many! Vintage equipment from manufacturers such as ARP, Moog, EMS, Oberheim, Wasp, Stramp, Korg and many more.

Analog Synthesizer Challenge

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Q&A Session | Analog Modular Synthesizers

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl is asking Bernd-Michael Land about his way of patching an analog modular synthesizer system. He’s sharing some of his own tips and tricks on how to think outside the box and how to patch the various synthesizer modules in an unorthodox way. Great inspiration for everybody who’s using a modular synthesizer and all fans of „berlin school of electronic music“.

How to patch a modular analog Synthesizer in an unconventional way!

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl is talking to the band „Thau“ (Bernd-Miachel Land and Frank Tischer) about the philosophy and their understanding of the „Berlin School“ musical heritage.

The Philosophy of Berlin School Synthesizer Music

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl ist talking to Bernd-Michael Land who gives a quick Demo Tour of the legendary Roland Synthesizer System 100. Four units of this remarkable analog modular synthesizer system are covered. The Basic Unit Model 101, the Expander Model 102, the Sequencer Model 104 and the Mixer Model 103.

Roland System 100 Synthesizer Quick Demo Tour

Bernd-Michael Land, Frank Tischer (THAU) & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl ist talking to the band „Thau“ (Bernd-Miachel Land and Frank Tischer) about their unique interpretation of the „Berlin School of Electronic Music“ genre.

Piano Pattern, Sequencer Lines, String Pads and Lead Synth

Frank Tischer (THAU) & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl is talking to Frank Tischer of the Electronica Band „Thau“. Frank is explaining his Synthesizer gear setup for performing „Berlin School of Electronic Music“ live on stage.

Modern Berlin School Synthesizer

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl is once again visiting the Synthesizer Studio of Bernd-Michael Land. They are talking about his latest Electronica Music projects and demonstrate the legendary Roland Space Echo, Digital Chorus, CompuRythm Drum Machine and Minimoog Analogue Synthesizer.

Synthesizer Studio Trip

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl besucht das Synthesizer Studio von Bernd-Michael Land. Er zeigt seine analogen Vintage Modular Synthesizer Systeme und weitere analoge sowie digitale Keyboards von Moog, Roland, Arp, Korg, EMS, Solina, Oberheim, Elka, Yamaha, Alesis, Waldorf und vielen anderen Musik Instrumenten.

Synthesizer Studio Tour

Bernd-Michael Land & Ralph Baumgartl

Ralph Baumgartl was visiting the Afip Institute in Offenbach where Bernd-Michael Land was performing a Quadraphonic Sound Concert on 4th and 5th July 2015. Bernd-Michael Land also explains his keyboard and gear setup for this concert.

Quadraphonic Sound Concert with Analogue Synthesizers

Bernd-Michael Land

Zu Gast beim Forumsmitglied Moogman … der mir beim Thema Synthesizer ein wenig auf´s Pferd geholfen hat …

Nusiker Board / Namm Show 2013

Bernd-Michael Land

Vintage Analog Modular Synthesizer from 1970 @ SynxsS-Studio 2015
SynxsS-Studio News #109

EMS VCS3 „The Putney“ -Glitch

Frank Tischer & Ralph Baumgartl in The SynxsS-Studio
Confidence Booster for Electronica & Ambient Musicians

Ralph Baumgartl is talking to Frank Tischer, a professional Pianist from Germany who also performs Ambient and Berlin School of Electronic Music. Frank is sharing some of the secrets behind his music career. If you are looking for some inspiration to move forward with your own music making career, then this Interview is definitely for you. In this video Frank is also performing some his Ambient Music live.

Frank Tischer Interview

Eberhard Panne & Ralph Baumgartl in The SynxsS-Studio

Ralph Baumgartl is talking to Eberhard Panne. Eberhard is a legendary sound engineer who was running the recording studio Panne-Paulsen in Frankfurt/Germany. In this interview Eberhard is talking in detail about his work with Klaus Schulze for whom he recorded the Electronic Music albums Moondawn, Body Love Vol 1 & 2, Mirage and X. Eberhard is also talking about his recordings for Manuel Göttsching (Correlations, Belle Alliance) and Harald Grosskopf (Synthesist).

Eberhard Panne the Sound Engineer Legend

EK-Lounge u. a. mit Bernd-Michael Land

Electronic Live Improvisation

Luminale 2014 @ Kirche St. Peter in Frankfurt

EK-Lounge u. a. mit Bernd-Michael Land

Electronic Live Improvisation

Ambient Art Festival 2010 in Innsbruck